Filing an injury case in Louisville: 6 reasons to lawyer up

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No amount of experience can prepare you to deal with the aftermath of an accident. If you have sustained injuries in an accident in Louisville because someone breached their ‘duty of care’, you could sue them for a settlement. People often don’t want to lawyer up because they are worried about the costs. In this post, we are sharing six reasons why you need to get a personal injury lawyer Louisville KY.

personal injury lawyer

  1. You need to find out about fault and liability. It is not always easy to determine fault after an accident. For instance, if you were injured in a truck accident, was the driver responsible for the crash? Or did the vehicle have a manufacturing defect? Establishing fault and liability is the first step for filing a PI lawsuit.
  2. You don’t know much about personal injury law. The scope of personal injury law is massive and covers a wide range of cases. The legal strategy for a car accident case could be very different from that of a slip & fall accident lawsuit. You need a lawyer so that you don’t have to deal with the basics.
  3. You are racing against time. Kentucky’s statute of limitations sets a deadline of one year for most personal injury lawsuits (two years for car accident cases). This deadline is relatively shorter than in other states, and you need a lawyer to make the most of your time.
  4. You don’t know what your injury claim is worth. Another big reason to hire an attorney is to know the worth of your case. Should you pursue legal action in the first place? What kind of damages can you recover? These are some questions that an attorney can answer for you.
  5. You need help with negotiations. It is a known secret that insurance companies don’t care for claimants and would do anything to reduce their burden. If you have no experience dealing with claims adjusters and negotiating with other parties, you should consider hiring a lawyer to deal with all that.
  6. You may have to go for a trial. Most personal injury cases don’t go to court. A trial is considered an expensive alternative for every party involved in a lawsuit. However, if your case needs a trial, you will need a lawyer on your side.

Now that you know the basics, check online for personal injury firms in Louisville and schedule an appointment to discuss things further.

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