Reasons to consult a Virginia workers’ compensation lawyer

Injured workers in Virginia are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. If you have injured yourself at work, make it a point to inform your employer. You must inform the company within 30 days from the date of the accident. You must then file a Claim for with Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission. Your employer will then inform the Commission on their part and inform the insurance company. You can expect a call from the claims adjuster soon. So, when and where do you need a Virginia Beach workers’ compensation attorney? Yes, you can file a workers’ compensation claim on your own, but hiring an attorney is probably a good idea.

When you are unsure about dealing with the insurance company

The insurance company will try to settle all workers’ compensation claims for as little as possible. The claims adjuster will try and get a statement from you, and in some cases, this can go against you. Sometimes, even for minor issues, your claim can be denied. When the insurer is resisting the claim and you want a fair settlement, your attorney can step in and handle the negotiation. Keep in mind that insurers are always legally backed and have financial resources at disposal, and you don’t want to get into negotiation without prep.

When you have to face Workers’ compensation hearing

In case the insurance company doesn’t make an acceptable offer, or when your claim has been denied, you may have to go for a Workers’ compensation hearings. Here, you are expected to prove your case and explain the contents of your claim. Without adequate knowledge of workers’ compensation laws, you cannot expect to negotiate your settlement. If a hearing is necessary, consider talking to an attorney.

When you don’t need an attorney

You may want to avoid talking to a workers’ compensation lawyer, if –

  1. Your sustained minor injuries
  2. You didn’t lose a lot in wages
  3. Your employer is cooperative
  4. You don’t have a pre-existing health condition that can complicate the circumstances
  5. You know it all about workers’ compensation laws in Virginia.

Consider talking to an attorney to know more on your case. Most of the known workers’ compensation lawyers in the state will offer free case evaluation. Also, depending on the case, your lawyer may work on a contingency fee, which means that you don’t have to pay the lawyer until a settlement is reached. Do your homework and contact an attorney soon after your accident. Knowing your workers’ compensation claim and due process will be a lot easier.

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