Mistakes to Avoid and Tips to Hire Criminal Defense Lawyer

Criminal charges indicate that you will need to look for criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Time is crucial, where criminal charges are involved but make sure to avoid hiring a wrong one.

Mistake 1 – Hiring former prosecutor

Several prosecutors quit DA’s office and start their own law firm. Defense side is lucrative, so they become defense attorneys. Now, the big question here is will they aggressively and passionately defend their clients? How can a rigid prosecutor eager to send defendants to prison transform so miraculously into an antagonistic defense lawyer? This is generally not possible, so people living in Wisconsin State must stick to committed Appleton OWI attorney, who has carved a career and helped people stay away from jail.

Mistake 2 – Hiring civil lawyer for your criminal case

First understand the difference between civil lawyer and criminal defense lawyer. Civil litigation deals with private party’s disputing against one another. On the other hand, criminal litigation positions you against the federal or state government. Criminal lawyer argues on behalf of his clients to prove whether a crime was committed or the action was misdemeanor and not a felony.

Misdemeanor falls under minor offence category like petty theft or small possession of illegal substance. Felony includes prison sentence of minimum one year behind bars. Violent crimes include assault, rape, and murder while the non-violent crimes involve grand theft, drug trafficking and forgery.

In criminal law, the burden of providing evidence is very high than in a civil law. In civil cases, the litigant has to just prove that offender is 51% responsible for incurred damages. Criminal cases can be won only when the prosecutor is able to prove ‘beyond reasonable uncertainty’ that the defendant is liable for the crime.

Mistake 3 – Hiring a new criminal lawyer

In criminal dense cases, it is recommended to hire a lawyer with minimum ten years’ experience. It means they will have participated in a lot of jury trials and possibly developed professional and friendly relationships with prosecutors and judges. New attorney will charge less fee but allow them to gain experience from other trivial case.

Mistake 4 – Hiring a lawyer who hardly goes to trial

Trial attorneys are respected in a courthouse because of their knowledge regarding the law. Moreover, they are fearless and persuasive speakers with an ability to respond quickly to curve balls. They are very hard-working people and have earned everyone’s respect. Thus, their client’s get the best deals and results. Therefore, make sure to hire a lawyer who often goes to trial.

Tips to hire a good criminal defense lawyer

  • You can name of 2 to 3 experienced criminal defenses advocate close to where you stay from the internet.
  • Call the firm and set an appointment.
  • Good lawyers are busy, so maybe you may meet their staff. It does not mean that you must eliminate them.
  • Come prepared for consultation and bring the requested documents.
  • Provide them the list of victims, witnesses or other defendants, if any.
  • Ask questions without any hesitation about your case assessment.
  • If you feel comfortable and confident that the lawyer will work in your interest then undoubtedly hire him/her to represent you.

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